Dec 05, · Acid-base titration can also be used to find percent purity of chemicals. When a weak acid reacts with a weak base, the equivalence point solution will be basic if the base is stronger and acidic if the acid is stronger. If both are of equal strength, then the equivalence pH will be blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Nov 17, · Acid-Base Titration and Volumetric Analysis The purpose of this experiment is to determine the [NaOH] of a solution by titrating it with standard HCl solution, to neutralize a known mass of an unknown acid using the NaOH solution as a standard, to determine the moles of NaOH required to neutralize the unknown acid, and to calculate the molecular mass of the unknown acid. Procedure: Sep 03, · In this experiment. an acid-base titration was used to find the molar concentration of a NaOH solution. the figure of moles of NaOH that reacted with a different unknown acid. and the molar mass of this unknown acid
Acid- Base Titration Lab Essay - Free Essay Example by Essaylead
Purdue CHM — Fall TA: Scott Cole Section 1 September 4, Unknown Concentration: X. Skrynnikov, Abstract The concentration of an unknown acid HA solution was determined by titration with a standardized solution of sodium hydroxide. The standardization of NaOH was done by titration acid base titration essay a solid acid sample, potassium hydrogen phthalate KHPand phenolphthalein indicator.
The unknown concentration Cunknown was determined to be X. Introduction This laboratory exercise relies on a titration technique to determine an unknown concentration of monoprotic acid in solution. In the process of titration, a basic solution is gradually added to the acidic solution until complete neutralization is obtained. In this manner, the unknown concentration can be expressed through the known concentration.
The concentration determination is repeated several times in order to improve the precision of the measurements and to estimate the experimental error. The experiment involves two steps: i Standardization of sodium hydroxide NaOH solution using potassium hydrogen phtalate KHP solution, acid base titration essay ii titration of an unknown monoprotic acid solution using the standardized NaOH solution, acid base titration essay.
The two steps, i and iiare essentially similar. Therefore, only the first step is briefly described below. Indeed, one could envisage a simpler measurement scheme where the solution of NaOH is prepared with known concentration and used to titrate an unknown acid. Bear in mind, however, that NaOH is a poor primary standard: it is highly hygroscopic, chemically unstable reacts with CO of airtypically low-purity if purchased cheapand has low molecular weight which leads to higher relative error when the compound is weighed out.
Conversely, KHP has many desirable characteristics which make it a good primary standard. This dictates a choice of the two-step scheme, with KHP as a primary standard and NaOH as a secondary standard. A flow chart of this methodology is shown below in Scheme 1. Scheme 1. REMEMBER: If any deviations are made from the outlined procedure cited above, they MUST be included here in great detail!
Results and Discussion Standardization For the standardization step, the KHP olution was prepared by weighing out 4. Considering that the molecular weight of KHP is The titration standardization results using XX Final Volume mL XX. XX XX. XX Titrant Volume added mL — Vendpoint XX, acid base titration essay. XX Trial 3 X.
The results from the scout titration are not included in this table since they are not quantitatively accurate. Already a cursory inspection of Table 1 shows that the results are highly reproducible — the uncertainty in the volume of the titrant is on the order of 0. The data from Table 1 was used to determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide solution, CNaOH.
XX mL, as listed in Table 1. XX M, X. The mean concentration is therefore X. The sample standard deviation, s, was calculated according to the above formula using the data from the individual trials, CiNaOHand their mean. XX M After rounding off the result appropriately and retaining significant digits, the value of CNaOH obtained was X.
This acid base titration essay of sodium hydroxide was then carried forward in subsequent calculations to determine the concentration of the unknown. Titration of the Unknown The titration results using standardized NaOH solution are listed below in Table 2. Table 2. Volume data from the titration of unknown monoprotic acid using standardized NaOH solution. The data in Table 2 were also shown to be highly reproducible. Control Questions To more completely discuss the merits of this exercise acid base titration essay the underlying analytical techniques, the laboratory manual posed specific questions, which will now be addressed explicitly: a Why it is necessary to measure volumes very carefully when preparing the KHP solution solutionbut NOT necessary to measure volumes too carefully when preparing the dilute NaOH solution solution 4?
A complete answer to this question should be written here. The best answers will refer to specific procedural details to compare and contrast how each solution was prepared and used throughout the procedure. volumes, acid base titration essay, etc in the response, as acid base titration essay as it is done unambiguously and any notations are kept constant throughout.
b Why in step 2 should the pipet and beaker be rinsed with the KHP solution not with distilled waterwhereas the Erlenmeyer flasks should be rinsed with distilled water not with the KHP solution? Avoid a simple, cursory explanation here. A complete answer will again refer to specific procedural details. Think deeply about the basics of a titration experiment and what values must be measured with the greatest accuracy, acid base titration essay.
What if the procedure was reversed — the pipet and beaker were rinsed with DI water, while the Erlenmeyer flask was rinsed with KHP? What outcomes of the experiment would be most grossly affected or compromised? If an anomaly like this did happen, would the goal acid base titration essay your experiment have been achieved acid base titration essay c Give at least two reasons why it is better to read the initial volume of a buret than to adjust the volume to some round value such as zero, acid base titration essay.
Your answer should be written here. Clearly explain what you mean, acid base titration essay. NOTE: THESE QUESTIONS NEED NOT BE ANSWERED IN THIS FORMAT. THEY MAY ALSO BE DONE IN A MORE NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH FORM. HOWEVER, IF THIS IS DONE, acid base titration essay, MAKE SURE IT IS CLEAR AS TO WHICH QUESTION YOU ARE ANSWERING. Conclusions Re-state the final outcome of your experiment, including actual data and numbers. Sum up what you learned about the experiment and assess the reliabilility of the method.
If you think there might have been better way s to achieve the final goals of the experiment, you may mention them here. All conclusion sections should also include possible sources of error, and how these errors may have affected your final results concentration too high, too low, etc.
Errors can be minimized but not entirely avoided, acid base titration essay, because they are part of the process of measurement. Data that is mistaken should be discarded. Data that contains errors can be useful, if the sizes of the errors can be estimated. I'm Edwin! Would you like to get a custom essay?
How about receiving a customized one? order now. Related posts: Acid Base Titration Report Essay Buffers Essay A car park report Essay 2. It is Hydrolysis of Diethyl Diferulates by a Tannase from Aspergillus Oryzae Essay Operational Research Essay Grouping Elements with Similar Chemical Properties Together Essay Chemist Essay An Analytical Chemistry Technique Essay.
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Acid Base Titration Curves - pH Calculations
, time: 36:49Acid/Base Titration Essay - Free Argumentative Essays For Students

Jul 30, · Acid Base Titration Curve Essay Acid - base titration Aim To study the titration curve of a strong base -strong acid, strong base -weak acid and weak acid -strong base titrations Introduction Acid - base titrations are based on the neutralization reaction between the analyte and an acidic or basic titrant Sep 03, · In this experiment. an acid-base titration was used to find the molar concentration of a NaOH solution. the figure of moles of NaOH that reacted with a different unknown acid. and the molar mass of this unknown acid Jun 08, · Acid-Base Titration and Volumetric Analysis The purpose of this experiment is to determine the [NaOH] of a solution by titrating it with standard HCl solution, to neutralize a known mass of an unknown acid using the NaOH solution as a standard, to determine the moles of NaOH required to neutralize the unknown acid, and to calculate the molecular mass of the unknown acid. Procedure:
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