Tuesday, October 12, 2021

How to write comments on papers

How to write comments on papers

how to write comments on papers

Reviewer Comments and Responses Reviewer 1 comment: Comment: This was an excellent report on very thorough research. The literature review was thorough, the methodology was painstakingly thorough and incorporated the use of sufficient numbers of samples in dust size analysis and explosion blogger.com Size: KB Thank you What a stylish paper! Thank you for getting right to work. What careful work! Thank you for such a fine effort. What neat work! That looks like it's going to be a good report. Where have you been hiding all this talent? That was fun. Wonderful That's a good point. Worthy That's a very good observation A comment paper consists of three parts. After a brief summary of the original paper including the author’s name and the paper’s title, the second part provides a critical acclaim and potential improvement, which is succeed by some concluding remarks. The structure of a comment paper can be displayed in schematic form

Examples of Feedback on Student Writing | James C. Olsen

Grading and commenting on papers are certainly interconnected processes. However, while instructors how to write comments on papers think of writing comments on papers as simply a means to justify grades, that purpose should be secondary to helping your students improve their writing skills. Before the course begins, think about what kind of writing you will assign, and how you will respond to how to write comments on papers writing.

Bean, J. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Gottschalk, K. and K. Hjortshoj Nicol, D. Studies in higher education31 2 Harvard Writing Project Bulletin. The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Straub, Richard, how to write comments on papers.

The Practice of Response: Strategies for Commenting on Student Writing. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. If you have suggestions of resources we might add to these pages, please contact us:. ctl wustl. edu Mon - Fri, a. These tips are organized into four categories: Course Planning Writing Comments in the Margins Writing Final Comments What Else Can You Do? Course Planning Before the course begins, think about what kind of writing you will assign, and how you will respond to that writing.

Design each writing assignment so that it has a clear purpose connected to the learning objectives for the course. Craft each assignment as an opportunity for students to practice and master writing skills that are central to their success in the course and to academic achievement in your discipline.

For example, if you want them to learn how to summarize and respond to primary literature or to present and support an argument, design assignments that explicitly require the skills that are necessary to accomplish these objectives. Sequence your writing assignments to help students acquire skills incrementally, beginning with shorter, simpler writing assignments to longer, more complex papers.

You might also find it helpful to develop a sequence for writing comments. In other words, decide ahead of time which aspects of the writing you will focus on with each assignment. For example, you may decide to focus your comments on the first assignment on the writing of the thesis statement, then focus comments on later papers on the success with which the students deal with counter-arguments.

Sequencing your comments can help make the commenting process more efficient. However, it is essential to communicate to students before they turn in their papers which aspects of the writing you are going to focus on in your feedback at which points in the semester and why.

Develop and communicate clear grading criteria for each writing assignment. These criteria will help you be as consistent and fair as possible when evaluating a group of student papers. Developing and using criteria is especially important when co-teaching a course or when asking TAs to grade papers for the course. Distribute the grading criteria to students or post the criteria on the course Web site so that they will know how you will evaluate their work.

Do not expect that students will come into your class knowing how to write the kind of paper you will ask them to write. For example, a student who has learned how to write an excellent analytical paper in a literature course may not know how to write the kind of paper that is typically required for a history course.

Give students a written list of discipline-specific standards and conventions, and explain these in class. Provide examples of the kind of writing they will need to produce in your course. Students should be able to see a clear correlation among 1 written comments on a paper, 2 the grading criteria for the assignment, and 3 the learning objectives for the course.

Thus, before you start reading and commenting on a stack of papers, remind yourself of the grading criteria, the learning objectives, and which aspects of the writing you want to focus on in your response. Writing Comments in the Margins The first time you read through a paper, try to hold off on writing comments. Instead, take the time to read the paper in its entirety. If you need to take some notes, do so on another piece of paper.

This strategy will prevent you from making over-hasty judgments, such as faulting a student for omitting evidence that actually appears later in the paper. In such cases, it may be appropriate to tell the student that you expected that evidence to be presented earlier—and the reason why.

Respond as a reader, not as a writer. Do not tell students how YOU would write the paper. Instead, tell them how you are responding to each part of the paper as you read it, pointing out gaps in logic or support how to write comments on papers noting confusing language where it occurs. For example, if a sentence jumps abruptly to a new topic, do not rewrite the sentence to provide a clear transition or tell the student how to rewrite it.

Instead, simply write a note in the margin to indicate the problem, then prompt the student to come up with a solution.

Of course, in some instances, it is necessary and appropriate to give the student explicit directions, such as when she or he seems to have missed something important about the assignment, misread a source, left out an essential piece of evidence, or failed to cite a source correctly. Ask questions to help students revise and improve.

One way to ensure that your comments are not overly directive is to write questions in the margins, how to write comments on papers, rather than instructions. Open questions can be a very effective way to prompt students to think more deeply about the topic, to provide needed evidence, or to clarify language. For ideas on how to phrase open questions, see Asking Questions to Improve Learning.

Resist the temptation to edit. Instead, mark a few examples of repeated errors and direct students to attend to those errors. Moreover, when you mark all mechanical errors, you may overwhelm your students with so many marks that they will have trouble determining what to focus on when writing the next draft or paper. Be specific. Taking a little more time to write longer, and perhaps fewer, comments in the margin will help you identify for students exactly what they have done how to write comments on papers or poorly.

Information about both is crucial for helping them improve their writing. Can you rewrite this sentence? Why is this information important? How is it related to your argument? Give an honest assessment, but do not overwhelm the writer with an overly harsh or negative reaction, how to write comments on papers. For example, do not assume or suggest that if a paper is not well written, the writer did not devote a lot of time to the assignment.

The writer may have in fact struggled through several drafts. Keep in mind that confusing language or a lack of organized paragraphs may be evidence not of a lack of effort, but rather of confused thinking. The writer may therefore benefit from a few, targeted questions or comments that help how to write comments on papers clarify their thinking. Limit your how to write comments on papers do not try to cover everything.

Focus on the most important aspects of the paper. Provide a brief summary of 1 what you understood from the paper and 2 any difficulties you encountered. Make sure that whatever you write addresses the grading criteria for the assignment, but also try to tailor your comments to the specific strengths and weaknesses shown by the individual student, how to write comments on papers.

While you may think that writing lots of comments will convey your interest in helping the student improve, students—like all writers—can be overwhelmed by copious written comments on their work. They may therefore have trouble absorbing all the comments you have written, let alone trying to use those comments to improve their writing on the next draft or paper. Whatever you decide, write your comments in a way that will help students know which aspects of their writing they should focus on FIRST as they revise a paper or write the next paper, how to write comments on papers.

For example, if a how to write comments on papers lacks an argument or a main how to write comments on papers in an assignment in which either an argument or main point is essential as is usually the caseaddress that issue first in your comments before you note any grammatical errors that the student should attend to. Refer students back to comments you wrote in the margins. Model clear, concise writing.

Before you write final comments, take a moment to gather and order your thoughts. What Else Can You Do? Provide opportunities for revision. If you want students to improve their writing, give them an opportunity to apply what they have learned from your comments to a new, revised draft. Note: You should decide before the course begins whether you will allow students to revise their papers and, if so, when such revisions must be turned in e. If you decide not to allow students to revise papers, consider rewarding improvement from one paper to the next e, how to write comments on papers.

If students are struggling with their writing, suggest a meeting during office hours. Often, students who are struggling to write clearly are also struggling to clarify what they think about the course material. Ask questions that help them figure out what they think and how to put those thoughts into a well organized, effective paper. Recommend that students seek tutorial help at The Writing Center. At The Writing Centerstudents can meet with writing tutors who will read their papers and provide feedback.

Writing Center tutors are trained to provide students with feedback on the clarity of their writing in a general way and will not necessarily be familiar with the criteria you are using to grade papers, unless you or the student have shared those criteria.

However, seeking such feedback can be very helpful to students as they how to write comments on papers to write for academic audiences. Back to All Resources.

MS Word 2007 - How to use or insert comments in a document

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Recommendations for Writing Comments on Student Papers - VirtualSalt

how to write comments on papers

Apr 25,  · Let us say, for instance, that two different methodologies were possible and you chose the one that seemed most promising, but still wonder what sort of results the other would have produced. Explain your choices, your decision and your curiosity to your readers, inviting them to share their opinions and experiences Reviewer Comments and Responses Reviewer 1 comment: Comment: This was an excellent report on very thorough research. The literature review was thorough, the methodology was painstakingly thorough and incorporated the use of sufficient numbers of samples in dust size analysis and explosion blogger.com Size: KB Dear Student, You have a clever argument. Importantly, you build in very plausible objections to your claims and then seek to respond to those objections. Your three points of criticism build very well on each other, and you end with a satisfying resolution

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